This is for school.
The Metamorphosis is a short story by Franz Kafka, originally written in German and released in 1915. This is one of Kafkas most famous tales. In it, Gregor Samsa, the main character turns into a giant bug. Gregor, being the provider of the household, cannot go to work due to him turning into a bug. This leads to his family being mad at him. Eventually he dies and his family, rather than mourning his death, looks on the bright side, and then moves on. This story shows an interesting absurdist narative, one feature that I and many others found very interesting was the fact that Gregor did not get suprised by the fact that he was a bug. He didn´t wonder about it and neither did his family. This is a famous feature of ¨Kafkaesque¨, a style pioneered by Kafka. One current issue I will connect this to is lgbtq+ alienation from family. Lgbtq+ people do not choose to be lgbt, just like Gregor didn´t choose to be a bug, yet many lgbt people are treated badly from their family.